hadoop fs -ls s3://bucket or s3a://bucket throws "No such file or directory" error
NickName:dz902 Ask DateTime:2021-06-21T15:07:51

hadoop fs -ls s3://bucket or s3a://bucket throws "No such file or directory" error

In a newly created EMR cluster, using:

  • hdfs dfs -ls s3://bucket
  • hadoop fs -ls s3://bucket
  • hadoop fs -ls s3a://
  • etc.

...all return the error:

"ls: `s3://bucket': No such file or directory"

  • EMR instance profile has full S3 access
  • Nothing specified in core-site.xml
  • aws s3 ls can correctly list all buckets

Why does this happen?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「dz902」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68063712/hadoop-fs-ls-s3-bucket-or-s3a-bucket-throws-no-such-file-or-directory-err

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